I previously shared video on how to install WhatsApp on a PC with Blue Stacks App Player. Instead of having to install an emulator like Bluestacks or Youwave on your computer you can also rely on another one that can be used directly on the browser. That emulator is called Manymo. This includes Windows, Mac, and Linux computers or tablets. With Manymo, it doesn’t matter the operating system you are using on your PC, you should be able to emulate any Android app that you have at hand. Here is how you can use it to run WhatsApp.
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1. Go to www.Manymo.com and create an account there.
2. Sign up for a Free account on Manymo.com and verify your account by clicking on the registration link in your email account
3. Download whatsapp.apk from official website-www.whatsapp.com
4. Click on “Launch Emulators” and select Launch by App.
5. On the page that follows, click on the Upload button
6. Now browse the whatsapp.apk you have downloaded in step (3).
7. Now choose you resolution and a OS
8. Hit the launch button for the emulation to start.
Note: Don’t share any personal information, password or information related to bank
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