These are 10 free software for your computer that is very useful. Beginning with this edition of the “Free Software” series and future episodes to come, we’ll take a look at the best free and open source programs for your computer. In short, when you see the term “open-source software”, it means that its source code is freely available for users to inspect, modify, and distribute the software to anyone for any reason. With so many free and open-source programs that are actually great, in this video, I will show you 10 of our personal favorites that we think are the most useful, many of which you’ve heard me discuss before on this channel. They’re all well-established, trusted and completely free.
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TechGumbo is a leading source for the technology that we use each day. Whether it’s discussing computer operating system tricks, the latest tips for your mobile phone, finding out about the newest gadgets, or letting you know about the best free software for your computer, TechGumbo has boundless topics on technology for the astute YouTube viewer.